Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Goodbye Girl

Well today is the day baby boy's grandmother is coming to get him for good. Last night was not pretty for me and hubby. We knew it was our last night to put him to bed together. He is the sweetest baby.... I love him. He will not remember me but I will never forget him. He came to us a tiny 4.6 pound baby and is leaving a whopping 16 pounds. We do like to eat around here!!

Right now he is in his bouncer seat blowing raspberries and giving me a beautiful toothless smile. I pray his live is amazing but most important I pray he knows God and how much he loves him.

Why can't the parents of the children I have fostered see these precious babies for the gifts that they are. I'm tired of saying goodbye.


  1. My heart is with you today. I hope you are finding comfort.

  2. OMG, i know that I am late reading this, but I pray that your doing a bit better by now. I tell ya, you are an AMAZING woman, with a gift that I not only DO NOT have, but will never understand. I think it's amazing that women like you can love and let go over and over again. God bless you girl!
