Monday, February 9, 2009

Good For Me

I am at my prewedding goal weight!!! I have worked so hard for this. I still have 10 pounds left til my overall goal weight but I was afraid to lose too much for fear that my dress would be too big. I finally found new pants last week. Such a big deal for me.

I got C's and the bridesmaids bouquets done today. I still have the guys, the large floral arrangements and 19 table centerpieces to do. Makes me want to cry.

Tonight I was standing on the ladder looking into my attic. When I moved the piece of drywall at the opening something fell and hit my in my lower back. Being the wimp that I am, my mind automatically thought it was a lizard. I proceeded to step off the ladder from about the third rung from the bottom ( not close to the floor at all ) then I fell into the end of a baby gate and now have a big blue bruise on my leg. I also foresee some soreness in the groin area in the morning. My daughter Shelby got herself a good laugh and also heard me say a naughty word.....which made her laugh even more. Mean ole girl!!

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the weight!! woo hoo!! oh, and hope that fall wasn't too bad. yikes. I'd have jumped too if I thought a lizard jumped onto me. Then again, here in VA, we don't have lizards hiding in our attics, so it really WOULD be odd!! haha.
