Sunday, August 22, 2010

Deep in the heart of Texas

Wow, it's been forever since I have posted anything. We are currently in Texas at my husbands apartment. Yes people you heard me right, My husbands apartment. That always gets peoples attention. He is out here for his job and will continue to be for an undetermined amount of time. So we came out for this month and love it here. He is only able to come home to Florida once a month. Not loving that!! We will be back out here again for a few weeks in November.

In the world of foster care lots have changed. We still have our boy. He was 1 on the 17th. We also have a 5 month old little girl that we have had since she was 7 days old. They are in respite care while we have been gone. I miss them both so much. The baby girl is with my best friend who is also crazy and a foster parent. The boy is with another foster family. His mother would never give us the OK to take him out of state. She don't like us much you know. I have shopped soooo much for those two since Ive been out here. Can't wait to see them in the new clothes.

We have a staffing for the baby girl next Monday. They are going to be changing her case plan goal from reunification to adoption. I hope we are the ones that are blessed to be her parents. I love that girl sooo much. Our boy's case plan goal is still reunification. He has almost been with us a year. I hope if his mother is going to get him back she does it soon. I would rather him just stay with us for the next 18-20 years. Then she can have him back. Just in time to pay for college.

Yes, I know I'm nice like that.

Life is good. I am enjoying my family and trying to thank God a lot more for them. Right now I feel like I'm his favorite. The picture shows you why I might think that!!