Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Someone Is Following Me

Well I am so frustrated with the clothing industry this morning. I have been shopping this past weekend and last night, trying to find some clothes for the upcoming wedding shower and rehearsal dinner. I have bought nothing but shoes......of course and some perfume.
This new look of big shirts with no waistline is not exactly what I was wanting. I haven't starved myself for the past 6 months to were a tent!!

Then there is the main problem of finding pants to fit my body or should I say booty. I have a tiny waist and a not so tiny behind. Always feels like someone is sneaking up on me. You know how when squirrels are road kill and they have been there a few weeks and there is nothing left but their bushy tail? Well I am quite positive that if you ran me over and came back a few weeks later there would be nothing left of me but my bushy tail!!! Dang It!!!! So once again today I am hitting the stores. I will not be defeated.

Baby boy was naughty yesterday. I had rocked him to sleep and was looking at him adoringly before I laying him down. When I went to put my hand under his back to stand up I got a hand full of poop. He has been doing this daily. Somehow he manages to poop up his back....disgusting!! Yes I AM writing about poop! DEAL WITH IT!!! It's my life.
I only have 3 days left with him. So bittersweet. The next thing will be to deal with the insensitive people at Church that ask where the baby is and when I tell them he is living with his grandparents now they look at me and say " I don't know how you do that, I could never let them go." My favorite one is " I could never do that to my family." Seriously? I want to say, You could never teach your children how to put someone else before them self? As I recall the bible tells us to do that. I am not saying that everyone is cut out to be a foster parent. It is a calling.
I would however love for people to be more sensitive and not treat me like I have a birth defect because I love children that I cannot always keep. I have now worked myself all up into an uproar and it's just 7am. Makes me want to kick the dog!!

I'm off to get my second cup of coffee and do a little repenting for my stank attitude! Sorry y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciate your comments...AND TOTALLY AGREE!!!
    My husband addressed that very problem last night at a Foster/Adoptive Parent Association meeting. A DHHS supervisor asked what they department could do to help find foster/adoptive parents for the countless children without a forever family.
