Monday, January 12, 2009

Sour Grapes

Okay this may not be a subject that most normal people would do for their first post....but I am not normal so here it goes.

Yesterday I was at the armpit of America ( Walmart ) to buy a few things one of which was grapes. As I scanned the assortment of green and red grapes I noticed something similar about them. They were missing A LOT of grapes. This would be due to the inconsiderate people that feel they are so special that they can eat food that they do not pay for. I have even seen them get a banana, peel it and eat it .... right in front of a Walmart employee. Why don't the employees say something? This really ticks me off!!! Food is expensive enough. This is stealing and be sure the store passes the loss on to the paying customer. I paid $3.29 lb. for those grapes.

Don't get me started on people that go to the 20 item or less to pay for a shopping cart of groceries!! I actually got behind one of these people and when the cashier said something to her she said " I don't want to wait in a long line." Well to her I would say " DON'T COME TO WALMART'!

Alright lets change the subject. My sweet baby boy we are fostering is growing so fast. He is 5 months old now and weighs 16 pounds. Hard to believe he was born at 34 weeks and only weighed 4lb6oz. He will be starting overnight visits with his grandmother this week. She is trying to slowly get him ready to live with her permanently. I will be sad....but it's not about me!! It is the best thing for him because he has two siblings that live with her now. I am happy he has a family that loves him. I have fostered 5 newborns and the ending is not always this happy. I have had to hand some of them over to not so great circumstances. All I can control is the time they are with me. This is easy to say but much harder to do.

My oldest daughter is getting married in 8 weeks. She will turn 20 in June. I think she is too young but what can I say. I was 18 when I got married and I have been married for 23 years so it can work. Her fiance is great. We love him. They are moving to Missouri in July for her to attend IHOP school of music and he will finish up his college and start law school. I am not looking forward to being so far away from my baby. I know she will mature fast without mama there. I think it will be a shock to her when she realizes how much responsibility will be on her to have her own house, go to school and work a job. She is a little spoiled. Ok a lot! Good thing her soon to be husband cooks or they may starve.

This is a picture of all of us at Christmas. I love all of these people in this picture so much . I am a blessed girl!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family you have! Your girls are gorgeous. I only have my one little girl, who is 8. I can't imagine how I'll react when she leaves my nest. She's my world.
    Looking forward to following your blog. I'm going to add you to my blog list, ok?
