Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Writters Block

I have wanted to update my blog for weeks now but have had nothing I think is of any interest to say. Can't say that it's changed any but here goes. My second oldest daughter Shelby just graduated from high school last Friday night. I am so proud of her. She wants to go to college for something in the medical field. Not really sure exactly what yet. We have an appointment with her councelor.

Still waiting to be licensed. I know your shocked right? Still waiting on Shelby's fingerprints and whatever other foolishness they can come up with. Once your info is submitted to DCYF they say that your file should be processed in 72 hours. They have had mine exactly one month today. Hhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh well maybe I will have a nice quiet summer.

My husband is out of town for his job for this entire week. So far so good but I do miss him. I have cleaned the house and done all the laundry....what now? It is nasty weather all week here so no swimming in the pool. My BFF and her daughter are coming over to have a Pride and Prejudice movie sleep over later this week. We are idiots and will most definitely act more immature than our 13 and 14 year old daughters. I love that about her. Thank God for a friend that I can be myself with.

1 comment:

  1. I hate writers block, the best thing for it is to just sit down and write, whatever comes to mind...it can get pretty interesting at times, and you may do tons of editing, but it gives you ideas. Anyway, maybe you should bug your worker about your homestudy....squeaky wheel gets the grease, sometimes.
