Friday, April 24, 2009

iPhone illiterate

I have not sewn anything as of yet. My sister had a procedure done ( all is well with that thank God! ) and I have been helping her out a little so there is my fabulous excuse. However I am determined to do it today. Along with a hundred other things. Wal-Mart is included in that list I am sad to say.

I got myself an iPhone last night. Lets just say that I am less than computer savvy.....and I like it that way. I am going to make myself learn this thing. It is intimidating knowing that my phone is vastly smarter than me. Dang it!

My baby boy is getting so big. My daughter had him in the church nursery and sent me a picture. I need to go and get him for a few days. I miss him. I talked to his grandmother and she said his mom ( he was a foster baby I had for 6 months ) was not doing well with her case plan and dad is incarcerated.....again. In the 10 years I have fostered this is one of the things I have spent countless hours trying to figure out. Why can't they see past their own selfish desires and put their children first? I will probably be an old lady in my rocking chair still wondering the same thing. Is it selfishness, laziness or just dumb as a bag of hammers?

The picture I have posted today is of J and her dad at the American Girl store in NYC. She ( I ) was so excited about picking her doll out that would look just like her. What a dad!! He was really into helping her look at the different outfits and talking over small details with her. I love that about him.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Take my ovaries....please!!

Our case worker emailed me today and said that they have finally submitted our file. ( thought is was already done.) But that FSMO would probably kick it back with more requirements. I let her know that I still have both of my ovaries if she would like to offer those. They are about the only things they have not asked for. SRSLY!!!! I am just enjoying the peace and quiet before the storm of a newborn. If they ask for anything too outrageous.....I. AM. DONE.
Enough said.

Hubby will soon be gone for a week at a time. His new position has him traveling between Arizona (where his aunt is the Governor, Jan Brewer Rocks!! ) and California. While he is gone I will miss him in the day time and wish that I could pull his remaining 3 hairs out of his head at night, when he is not here to help with bath and bed for J. I know....I should cherish bath time and use it to spend time with her. Truth? I hate, and have always hated, giving kids a bath. There I said it. I do spend lots of time ( all but when she is asleep, and sometimes even then ) with her so I don't feel so bad. I'm not sure why it is such a chore to me.

Tomorrow I am going to attempt to sew a pillowcase dress. If I am successful I will post a pic. If not I will not mention it again.......and neither will you. ( hint, hint!! ) I've been wanting to sew something for J. I sewed a lot for my older girls when they were young. They always acted so excited about what I had made them. I want J to feel as special as I think she is. I love that kid!!

I see my hit counter slowly go up but I don't have very many comments. Anybody actually reading this thing or are you taking off as soon as you see my profile pic? Just askin!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am back to report the "progress" made last Thursday. A social worker came and spent the morning at my house to, once again fill out our family profile. You know, the one we have done twice already and they lost. I love this particular person. She is one of the only people in the agencies office that we are being licensed through that I have had a good experience with.
She says she has everything she needs and that she was hoping to turn it in to FSMO this week and after that it will go to Tallahassee . Nine months of this is too long. I have been licensed before. It's not like we were starting from scratch. On the other hand the longer they take the more chance I might actually have a quite summer. I haven't had one of those in a long time. Since I am only taking newborns I know my nights of sleep are numbered as well. It is worth it though. I love babies.

I took Shelby for her FBI prints last Friday. They said 3-4 days. They told my best friend that about 6 weeks ago when she took her son that had just turned 18 . I can see why people do not want to go through this to be licensed. I am just praying that if for some reason God does not want us to do this it will not go through. Once your heart is turned toward fostering it is hard to stop.

Today I am trying to make a master plan of managing my house cleaning. I know, any idiot should be able to clean a house without a list right? Well not this one. I get side tract. I am going to have everyday chores and then assign a focus room for every day of the week that I deep clean. We'll see how that works. I have to have my house clean. I am a grump ( more so than usual) when it is not. I have OCD and don't mind it a bit. It works for me!!

Time to close's lightning!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another Adult In the House

My second born daughter Shelby( fake name ) turned 18 today. What the heck is going on around here? One married and now this one all grown up. I am teary eyed typing this. They got big before I was ready for them too. She is such a sweet daughter and I love every minute I get to spend with her. All 5ft 8inches of her.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I must be crazy

Well I will say this and those of you that have had any dealings with Department of Children and Families will completely feel my pain. Nine months after turning in our RE-licensing paperwork and we still are not licensed for foster care. They have lost our family profile twice as well as our pictures of our home that we had to submit. My oldest daughter has been fingerprinted 3 times before the prints were accepted. Of course when they finally came back clear she got married the next week and moved out. Srsly?? The foster parent liaison is coming to spend the day at my house tomorrow and get everything in order to submit to fsmo. The only reason I will not beat her black and blue is because she has a lovely English accent. This has been her saving grace. But frankly even that is wearing thin.

I worked in the church nursery tonight. Not a good idea when you are trying to decide if you want to foster newborns. Ten babies screaming does not make one want to care for an infant long term. It just made me want to go have my tubes tide.

I took my daughter J to the park the other day and we were sitting on the swings together. She looked a my backside which was of course hanging over the back of the swing. She said "Mom, your bottom sticks out like it's gonna have a baby." Thanks you too!!
Rotten little kid.